Hi, my name is Shannon and I am the parent of a child with special needs. Everything about Jordan came as a surprise, from her conception thirteen years ago, up until today. Jordan was born premature at 27 weeks gestation which is simply the beginning of the seventh month of pregnancy. She weighed 2lb 2oz and was 17 1/2 inches long. She was breathing on her own but later developed necrotizing entercolitis and was incubated for a few days. She came home 9 weeks later with medication for apnea and a nebulizer to assist in case complications arrived.
Jordan, uses a wheelchair and a walker to ambulate from school and through her daily life. She walks with assistance and is a very beautiful, smart, and loving teenager. Jordan receives occupational, speech, and physical therapy every day in school and two days of the week she is in outpatient therapy. There are days when she is extrememly tired, moody and overwhelmed with her condition. I see the frustration in her eyes, but it is always overshadowed by her determination. God has given me an angel and if she is determinded, then I have no other choice but to ride along.
Life for me as a single mom has been challenging and demanding. But somehow, I managed to dig deep within my core and find the courage to care and love her unconditionally. Knowing that your child can not run with the other kids, and climb the monkey bars with the others is a feeling that no parent should have to experience. However, in these experience that many days and nights were accommodated with loneliness, fear, and tears; I managed. I managed to find who God had deemed me before I knew myself. I am her mother, her protector, her friend, and her nurse. On a daily basis I carry the spirit of David in the bible and encourage myself to keep going.
We all have dreams, dreams for our lives, for our children's lives and when those dreams have their own destiny's we think something is wrong, something we did or someone else did. I know that there was nothing I did to place this condition on my daughter, but I do know that it was necessary to perfect my character and to assist someone else along the way.
Recently, Jordan was diagnosed with Scoliosis which will require her to wear a scoli-jacket in hopes of straightening out her spine which is curved at 27 degrees. She was prescribed Baclofen to help the muscle spasms she is experiencing.
As if nothing else could go wrong, the news of this was a heavy blow to what I felt was a time of accomplishment for the two of us. BUT, even in the midst of all this I still see happy days ahead! We will make it through this too.
I am often questioned about how I manage, how I do it. The answer is determination, unconditional love, and destiny. As hard as things may be, I have managed to hold on to faith, and believe in a brighter day and know that this is what God said and I will answer the call.
How to cope with a child with special needs is an everyday learning experience. Anyone with thoughts, and suggestions, feel free to post. Let's chat and find ways to cope with our children and also maintain our own happiness.