An individual who has cerebral palsy, suffered a stroke, had spinal cord injury, or any injury that effects muscle function often will require orthototics to assist in modifying the structure and function of their foot to enhance the gait and the stability of the foot while walking. AFO's (ankle foot orthosis) are braces that help keep the foot in alignment with the leg.
I have used JK Prosthetics Orthotics Corp. has made Jordan's AFO's since she was a baby. They are contracted with St. Agnes Children's Rehabilitation/John A. Coleman School to measure and provide orthotics for children who require them. They come in different designs and characters according to preference and will replace the braces once they are outgrown.
When Jordan first started wearing AFO's it was difficult to find a shoe that would fit the brace. Often, I was referred to Payless because they had a wide variety of shoes that fit the braces. Jordan would be dressed in fine clothing, but her feet told a different story. Now, I purchase New Balance, Nike, Saucony, Reebok, and other brand shoes in wider widths to fit the AFO's, but still something is lacking. Comfort and flexibility is always an issue because brand shoes are not in the business of designing shoes that fit orthotics. My goal is to change that. Why should individuals who need supportive orthotics be limited to a "inexpensive" shoe made out of material that just don't last? If shoe/sneaker companies are marketing to "everyone" then that includes differently abled population!
I will keep you up to date on letters that I am preparing to send out to these big shoe/sneaker companies to get their attention to shift to populations of individuals with developmental limitations. If you have any stories or advice please reply to the post, I would love to hear your ideas and stories!
Be blessed!
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