I love to witness and hear about the cultures of other countries. I find it fascinating to see how children are raised, the values that are instilled within the family unit is amazing and very disciplined. While watching CCTV a special called "Rediscovering China" came on where the focus was on school aged children and up. From kindergarten age, the children are taught to be self-sufficient, learning English, the culture and history of China,foreign policies, music, math, and so much more. Students are influenced by society and prepared for social awareness which is mandatory in China as a part of their reform policies. Amazingly, all of the kindergartners excelled in English, math, and social skills to prepare them for society outside of China to ensure career success. Every family member/unit/caretaker of the child played a major role in the child's life to reach their goals.
I found it amazing how at such a small size and young age that with discipline and well-rounded routines, that these children adapted to what they were taught and really enjoyed every routine enforced. As they began to interview some of the children asking what they were learning, their response and use of words were way beyond their age. It was not that the parents did or did not want to influence their child, but it was more of a public policy for China.
This did not make me feel that the United States does not produce the same results, but the dedication of the government and the families for their children to be the best and excel is something to take in. China's education system is a major aspect to daily living in China and has been expanded giving China's rate of attendance at 99%. However, in New York, the educational programs are cut to fund other programs which decreases the amount of innovative teachers to teach, and increases the over crowded classrooms because of the lack of funding to expand. As a parent of a child with special needs, my job is to use my resources, form of discipline, and knowledge as a tool to challenge Jordan to maximize her potential. If programs are cut in New York, this means that special education is usually the first to feel the effects making it hard for special education teachers to teach and the implementation of programs to develop new methods.
As parents of special needs children it is important to access your child's capabilities and push them to reach their limit. This can be done when you as a parent teach outside of the classroom because you as the parent are the first teachers. Find innovative methods to develop ways to help your child learn to communicate better and stay on their targeted goals. Attend IEP meetings because your opinion counts! If there is a method that you use to help your special needs child attain goals and learn; feel free to share them with their teachers. It takes discipline and consistency to reach success, but their is success in education and in methods of learning for individuals with special needs. Don't accept anyone telling you that your child cannot learn when you know better. Special needs or not, all children have the potential to learn when they have dedicated teachers and parents. Our government system and the influence that it has on education should not stop your success with your special needs child. When you reach beyond the resources and develop creative methods to maximize your child's learning potential, you will have success. Take a moment to look at your state's plan for education and how you can help make a difference. Until then, be blessed!
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